Friday, July 4, 2008

Freshers at SASTRA

On 2nd of July,our campus was filled with people.Reason:First day for freshers in SASTRA. It was nice to see them all and it reminded the first day in everyone. The number of other state students were restricted by introducing All India quota and Trichy students were given a 10% of total seats this year. And ANTI-RAGGING notices have been put up in all departments with more strict punishments. So,lets see what happens this time......


Rahul Munjal said...

Nthng is gonna happen tilld time u do the ragging in the manner it shud be done...

My belief is tat ragging was made a part of the clg life in order to ensure that Juniors and seniors interact with each other..
At the same time, Juniors get a feel of the real world

- Rahul Munjal
2007 passed out from SASTRA

So have fun guys