Sunday, August 31, 2008

Power Cuts!!!

As you already know, because of the frequent and unscheduled power-cuts in the state, many problems arise. One among them is the lab sessions getting affected in our coll. So the working days were changed and this news also hit the newspapers. Due to the power-cuts, even water availability has come. The college has 5 diesel generators using which power is generated and is circulated among the various places of the college. Amidst these a three day holiday is just around the corner for Ganesh Chaturthi. Because of the power and water shortage, the college has announced these three days as an open permission despite the fact that exams start on 8th. Many students have planned to go wherever they can to get some water and electricity! Hope the power crisis ends soon.

Don't design your character as a garden where everyone can walk
Design it as the sky where everyone will aspire to reach